Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving in Tucson.

Hi all you followers  I haven't posted in a while We arrived  back in Tucson around the 6th Nov  stayed at DMAFB while we did Dr appointment's and visited with family and friends.Next we went up to Casa Grande AZ Rovers Roost SKP park where our RV lot is. That was our first stay on it sense we bought it in April  We had a concrete pad poured for a storage shed ( a tuff shed which will be build on 9th Dec.)  and also had brick patio put in. We arrived the 22nd  in  Tucson and are parked at our Daughters & son -in laws home. for Thanksgiving and will leave tomorrow (28th) and go back up to Casa Grande I hope all of you can have a great Thanksgiving with your loved ones we have so much to be thankful for and i hope you do also. Kathy's brother is doing ok we talk to him  almost every day and he seems to be doing good considering his illness.  Our Granddaughter has moved back toTucson and is doing great she started to work a week ago Its good to have her back here and glad we do not have to travel to NC to see her although we had a great time with her this summer.Well until I get off my lazy butt and post again have safe travels.  

Monday, November 3, 2014

Heading west.

We left Kathy,s brothers on the 28th Oct. it was a very sad occasion as the next time we see him will  probably be at his funeral. Hospice has stepped in and  you folks know what that means. We had a very good visit and spent quality time with him when he was awake. It was sad leaving but best for all. We stopped in Chanute KS and had the front jacks upgraded as the old ones were worn out. moved westward and are now in El Paso TX visiting grandson who is stationed here and family. He has orders for Fort Still OK and will be there in Aug 2015. We will be leaving in morning and staying in Deming NM for a two days to visit old friends. Will arrive in Tucson AZ on Thursday and  will be in AZ for the winter Tucson, Casa Grande and Yuma Will be back in Tucson in March for the escapees escapade at the fair grounds where we will see many RV friends that we have met through out the years of traveling. Please keep praying for Kathy,s brother Billy that he may have some pain free and peace in the days he has left. thanks to everyone for there kind thoughts,and may all of you  have Safe travels.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Kathy's Brother

We are in Kathy's hometown parked at my brother-in- laws home. He was in the hospital when we arrived and now is at home under hospice care and death is near. I have know this man for over 30 years and love him as a brother. We've had some great times over the years and been through some sad times this is a very sad time for us and prayers do help its so sad to watch him struggle for every breath.  Billy Jean Monk is his name and we call him Bubba He has had COPD for a few years now and have watched him dwindle down to a fraction of what he use to be. His wife Paulette has been strong through this and so has Kathy she is the last one and I'm sure will feel all alone after he is gone.I don't know how long we will be here before we need to move on I will leave that up to Kathy. I hope all of you are doing well and will keep you posted until later have safe travels.  

Friday, October 3, 2014

Ft Walton Beach FL, (Eglin AFB)

Arrived the 2nd from Jacksonville  where we had a great stay. Will be here till the 6th and then move on to Gulf port MS I was station here in the Air Force in 1970 Liked it here. will do a little shopping and visit a Nephew and family who live near by in Pensacola FL and maybe a little sightseeing.We are doing good and are meandering our way back to AZ for the winter hope all of you are doing good and have safe travels.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Back to Jacksonville FL

After a great visit with our son who flew in to see NASA at Kennedy space center we have came back to Mayport Navy Base.We will be here till the 1st Oct before heading back west we have had a great visit on the east coast this year. Kathy and I love the ocean and she is the shell queen always looking for more shells I help her till my neck gets sore lol. The sound of waves breaking on the beach is so soothing.The weather has been on and off with rain that is what you get here this time of the year could be a lot worse.I hope all of you have had a great summer and safe travels.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Cape Canaveral FL

We are parked at Patrick AFB overlooking the Banana River have see Dolphins every day chasing the mullet and also the pelicans diving for their meals. The weather has been warm and humid and last evening we had a downpour with strong winds Our plans are to pick up eldest son (David) at Orlando IAP on the 10th he will be staying with us for 5 days. He is really into NASA and  this trip is his 50th birthday present.We have lined up a few days at Kennedy Space Center for all of us he will have a ball.hope the weather will hold up anyway it will be fun.not much more to add we are having a good time hope all of you are doing the same. Safe travels.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Jacksonville FL

Hi all hope you are enjoying your summer. We are at Mayport Naval base  and are on our third week This is our favorite military fam camp on the east coast.we are at the harbor entrance to navy base and see all the shipping coming and going navy & commercial the beach is 1/4 mile away and the weather has been good. WE will leave here the 4th and go to Patrick AFB  Cape Canaveral for a few weeks and then come back up here for at least a week before meandering west for the winter in AZ We have been to two drive ins dinners and dives in this area and enjoyed both .Kathy has a basement full of shells to take back to folks out west.We had my best friend in high school and his wife Steve &Terry stop by for a night on there way back to VA, and have met some real fun people here. not much to add except smile often and have safe travels.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Onslow Beach (Camp Lejeune Marine base)

Well our time is winding down here will leave the 12th and head south Our Granddaughter has spend all her off time with us and we are so loving that she left this morning for one day of work and will spend Saturday thur Monday with us  before we depart If her plans work out she will move back to Tucson in October sometime surely hope so.  We are looking forward to returning to Mayport Navel Base in Jacksonville FL. we always enjoy that fam camp. Its been raining about everyday here and so tired of it really haven't  spent time at the beach. oh well life could be worse not to much more to add  we are having a good time and hope all of you are also, until later safe travels.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Leaving Virginia Beach

We will leave tomorrow after 8 days here and go back down to Camp Lejeune Marine Base (onslow beach for 14 more days) We had great time here, my best friend in high school Steve Smith who lives in Williamsburg  Va and his wife Terry came down for a day and we had a wonderful visit catching up on lives and reminiscing about the old days.had a great lunch and dinner it was so good to see them again. The next day Rick and Terry Traver our RV friends who started out full timing the same year we did  2007  arrived for a 6 days and we had a great visit with them they left this morning on their way to New York to see family. Our granddaughter Briana arrived here Friday and left this morning. Sunday was her 26th birthday and we had a good time spoiling her and and from  now on I,m calling her the great crab legs eater I think she can eat her weight up in crab legs. We when to Capt George's Buffet where they are know for their crab legs and great service also they have other great seafood and meats.we needed a wheel barrow to get us stuffed folks to the truck lol.  Anyway we will get to see her a few more times in Onslow beach before we move on south I hope all of you are having great travels and spending time with the ones you love. Later.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Camp Lajune marine RV park at Onslow beach NC

We are here to visit our granddaughter who is a nurse in Greenville NC.and she arrived today for a three day visit. Its always great to see her.and are planning a few more visits before we leave this area the 12 of Aug.  She works 3 12 hour days and is usually off for 4  so it gives her a few gays at a time still not sure if its the beach that she really enjoys or seeing us lol.  Its  always a joy to see her and spend time catching up on our lives. Our plans are to leave here the 20th and go to Virginia Beach for 8 days before returning here again for a two week stay. We will get to see her a few more times before leaving this area and are so looking forward to those other visits. That's about it for now. Until later safe travels.

Friday, July 4, 2014

On the east coast.

We have arrived  at Mayport navy base in Jacksonville Beach FL Its a much better here weather wise because of the off shore winds and the location of the park is on the harbor of Jacksonville where we watch navy ships and chimerical shipping come and go its hot here but that's the way it is in the summer Kathy had a great birthday yesterday and today we are going to a pot roast at the RV club house . We will be here to the 11th and then head to NC Camp Lejeune marine base which is on the ocean also.where our granddaughter will come down and spend some time with us . WE missed hurricane Author only got a few showers and gusty winds. Well I hope all of you have a great safe 4th of July and safe travels.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Up date on Kathy's brother

Billy was released yesterday and is at home now. Hr's doing better and seems to breath a little better  we had a good dinner last evening and will find out later how his  night went If he remains the same we will leave Thursday on our way to east coast,.best to hope for now is no more infections and hopefully he remains stable continue with prayers as they do help.Everyone else is doing OK Kathy got a good nights sleep in her own bed which makes both of us feel better Safe travels and thanks for your prayers.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Kathy"s Brother

Billy was put in the hospital Thursday he was having problems breathing along with panic attracts had to call 911  for transport not enough strength for him to get in car he's in pretty bad shape COPD is real scary so take care of your lungs. Kathy has been staying up there with him at night as his son And great grandson arrived for fathers day and poor bill is in hospital. Its so hard to see him this way I've know him for 33 years and now to see him like this just makes you so sad. Doctors give him a year maybe so this visit makes it so much harder Please pray for him.We will do what we can and while were here so you folks drive safely and hug those you love every chance you get..

Monday, June 9, 2014

Paragould AR (Brother in laws house)

We arrived in Kathy's hometown Saturday ahead of the storms (Billy Kathy's brother) is dealing with COPD and has good days and fair days  We will be here till end of June  hopefully he will let me do some things for him like clean up yard and do things he wants done that he can't do himself in general just straighten up yard and garage or work shop. Kathy has family and friends she would like to see and spend time with her brother.. the weather has not been to kind to us but this is the way it is in the summer down south  anyway not much to add for now . So all you fans of my blog hang in there Ill be posting as we move around the east coast., so until later have safe travels,

Friday, May 23, 2014

Branson MO

Well guess who arrived in Branson We arrived yesterday and are parked at the SKP park Turkey Creek. located in Hollister MO about 1 mile from Branson Landing. we have always liked it here sense our first time in 2007. Weather is warm and muggy as anyway in the south. We'll stay here a week maybe longer before heading east to NC to visit granddaughter. Were not sure when that will be more on that down the road I think we will stop in Paragould AR next to see Kathy's brother and sister in law then figure out when and what route we will take to NC. We will go see a few shows while here and in general just relax for a while. Hope all are enjoying your summer plans where ever you are. Safe travels.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

leaving El Paso

After visiting our friends (Peggy & Carl)  in Deming for two days They are an elderly couple that we have known for years and were full time RVers for 20 years They are in a apartment for the elderly and each time we see them they get more feeble I fixed a few things while there like the brakes on his walker and a lamp its so hard to see them going down hill,but we all might be there someday. They have wonderful memories of the RV lifestyle. WE arrived in EL Paso to visit Grandson & family on Sat. had a good time for two days very proud to have watched him become a man over the pasted few years.We will leave Monday Morning and stop in Tucumcari  NM for the night and then on to OK city Tuesday Fort Smith Wed. Plan to be in Branson MO Thursday in time for Memorial day weekend. Probably will  stay ther a week or two. Well know a lot of you are on the move so have safe travels.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Leaving Tucson

Well after knee replacement surgery We are finely leaving Tucson tomorrow will make a few stops one at Deming NM to visit friends and a stop in EL Paso To visit grandson and family who is stationed at Fort Bliss . then on to Branson MO for a few weeks . will post more as we get down the road. .until later safe travels.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Still doing rehab

Its been a while sense I posted the knee rehab is getting better each day  still not fast enough for me but I never was blessed with patience all in all I'm doing good. will be here till middle of May.we have a good RV parking spot in the middle of town and the weather has been good. We got a call from the SKP park(Rovers Roost) in Casa Grande and were offered a lot we drove up there and decided to take it it had two sheds which we had removed already and will need new gravel before we can put it in the reatal pool. will take care of that soon we plan to put a new storage shed on it in the fall and move our stuff up there from Tucson Really don't know how much time we will stay there as we like to spend some time in Yuma also oh well we will see.Kathy will have surgery end of month and will need a couple weeks recoverey time before we head out for the summer.Our Grandson has returned from Guam and will see him soon and our granddaughter was back here for a few days it was good to see here and her boyfriend of six years. we will go see her this summer in NC. anyway hope all you folks are doing good and have safe travels.    

Saturday, March 8, 2014

My knee surgery

Been a while since I posted . After setting up in a mid town RV parking spot the 1st of Feb we started the pre knee surgery scheduling . My surgery was on the 24th of Feb and it went very well ,except for the wuzzy patience that Kathy had to take care of.( I owe that special lady) believe me I can become a hand full when things are not going the way I THINK it should. To make a long story short I have been improving everyday and getting around great according to my therapist. This will be short so Kathy and I are doing well and on schedule to leave AZ in late April or early May. so until later Safe Travels.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Back in Tucson

Well folks we have made it back to Tucson. we had a safe trip to Arkansas and back thank the Lord for that. Kathy's brother Bill is doing OK he put on a few pounds and gained some strength while we were there it's sad to see him this way but all we can do is keep him in our prayers. The weather was cold while we were there down to 3-9 degrees at night and barely up to 30 in daytime but we survived OK. We stayed at our daughter's and son in laws Tuesday night and picked up our house (RV) Wednesday that was in temp storage and moved into our new parking spot for a few months never stayed here before but we like it so far. It was a tight getting in here but once in the spot have plenty of space. Will be here till probably end of April or first of May. My knee replacement surgery is schedule for 24th Feb and I will need time for rehab that's why we are in Tucson this winter instead of Yuma.The weather has been wonderful so far here and we really are liking the warmth and sunshine. I guess that brings us up to date hope all of you are doing great until next post have safe travels.  

Sunday, January 12, 2014


Hi family & friends.   Kathy &I are in Arkansas to visit her brother Billy who has COPD and not doing well at all. Kathy wanted to see him now before it is too late and you can never tell. We put our home in temp storage in Tucson and drove the truck down here it is such a change to not have your home with you. Bill is doing ok for now but if he comes down with a virus or some infection  his body cannot fight it off. So we want to spend time with him while we can. This disease is very bad and will not get any better. We plan to return to Tucson by the 1st Feb but just wanted to let folks know what is going on with we left on short notice so will post later when I can. Safe travels