Thursday, February 21, 2013


Hi fans well we went to Algodones Mexico last week had a dental appt. for a cleaning and they found a small cavity and repaired it total cost was $80.00. They do good work down there. The reason it probably cost so much in the states is insurance and law suits and taxes. but as long as we have access to going down there I will use them. We had a good meal and came back with no problems We've been going down there for dental & glasses for 3 years now. Had some friends Bob & Marge from Tucson come over Tuesday and they left this morning we had a great visit and we took them down to Algodones for lunch and a little shopping the girls bought some jewelry and we had some good Mexican food and then crossed back into the USA. We went to the Yuma Territorial prison where they kept the bad guys before Arizona became a state late 1880s to early 1900 it has been a while since we were there and they have made some nice changes over the years and very informative and interesting I sure would not want to be locked up there. Well all is good with us we are enjoying our winter visit here and plan to leave for Tucson in March. Until later safe travels.

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