Saturday, May 15, 2010

Branson MO (Turkey Creek)

Well here we are back in Branson for a while. We arrived yesterday afternoon it rained on and off all day and most of the night and is raining as I write this. After I set up the satellite dish for NASCAR race last evening I put up Kathy's bird feeder pole and she promptly filled the feeders so this morning we are watching the birds coming and going and doing some chores or I should say Kathy is doing the chores (defrosting frig and has a load of clothes going) and as usual I'm trying to stay out of her way, supervising and ducking. We will be here till the 31st of May. Our friends Billy& Kay Foust from Tucson will arrive tomorrow. They have been living in their motor home for a few years waiting for Billy to retire (Dec 31 2009) and are on the road after many years of planning, they are finally living their dream and we are very happy for them and they are loving it. Next weekend our great friends Jack & Carol Van from Casa Grande will be here for the weekend We go back many years. They are on their way to Illinois & Wisconsin to visit family and are part time RVers (Who wants to be in AZ in the summer) and have been for years. I'm sure beer & Wine will be served frequently, along with a NASCAR race or two. Until later safe travels.

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