Sunday, March 20, 2011

Yuma update (David's Surgery)

Kathy's son David Had foot surgery the 17th The Doctor was very pleased with the out come and David seems to be doing good so far. We spent the 17th & 18th at the hospital and he is staying at friends for a while as the steps on the RV would be too much for him and the doctor doesn't want him to put pressure on it. He goes back to the doctor's the 23rd and will probably go home he thinks, will wait and see? We will be here till at least the 9th April after that will depend on how he's doing and if he wants our help or not. The weather has been great and Kathy and I are doing OK so until later safe travels.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Another update from Yuma

Hi all about time I update this blog. Kathy and I will spend another month here in Yuma maybe more. Kathy's son will have foot operated on the 17th march and we will be here to help him out if he lets us. He will be off work for 8 weeks. We didn't plan to head north till May so no big deal. Howie and Norah stopped in Yuma for a night and we met them for dinner and they made a drug run to Mexico the next morning before heading out to Calf.Bob and Mollie are here and we plan to visit with them soon before they take off and Marty is working his way thur here sometime this month for those who don't know the names of those I spoke of they are our RVing friends from the escapees class of 2007 That's what is so neat about this life style you meet so many great folks and sure enough some where in your travels you will run into them again and again. Its a tough life but someone has to do it. Until later, safe travels.